Activa Environnement is proud to support the Réserve Faunique Duchénier in Quebec’s Bas-Saint-Laurent region for the environmental component of its optimization project. With $10M being invested over a three-year period, this project will notably allow for the construction of new chalets, development of “ready-to-camp” accommodations, construction of multifunctional service centres, new and upgraded walking trails as well as various wildlife management initiatives.

For further details about the project, visit the wildlife reserve’s website (in French):

Created in 1977 and located 30 minutes from Rimouski, the Réserve Faunique Duchénier is managed by a non-profit organization and offers hunting, fishing, outdoor and recreational activities for nature enthusiasts.  Spanning 273 km², this reserve is home to the largest concentration of high-potential water bodies for wildlife and fish on the southern shore of the St. Lawrence.