
Natural resourcesDaniel Roch-Lefebvre2018-07-02T20:04:32-04:00

Upgrades Planned for Réserve Faunique Duchénier

By ACTIVA Environnement|September 30 2019|Natural resources|

Activa Environnement is proud to support the Réserve Faunique Duchénier in Quebec’s Bas-Saint-Laurent region for the environmental component of its optimization project. With $10M being invested over a three-year period, this project will notably allow for the construction of new chalets, development of “ready-to-camp” accommodations, construction of multifunctional service centres, new [...]

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Groundwater Sampling at the Former Pulp and Paper Mill Site in Chandler

By ACTIVA Environnement|July 8 2019|Natural resources|

Activa Environnement was selected among eight bidders in a public tender issued by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) to monitor groundwater quality at the site of the former Gaspésia pulp and paper mill in Chandler. Groundwater quality monitoring has been conducted since [...]

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